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Pies & Pints this week


Hi pies fans,

First of all, I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the Bloomfield Winter Market to support me. I was blown away by your turnout, despite the cold, the wind, and the snow (I mean, it barely snowed this winter, but was definitely cold & windy on market days!).

I haven't officially heard back from the folks who run that market on whether I'll be there for the summer season, but I certainly hope so. I had two of my best days of the entire past year this winter at Bloomfield. Yesterday was one of them -- I had a line practically the entire market long. Completely unexpected. Thank you all!

Also, a special shoutout to my regular who made me a little felted meat pie. I proudly sport it on my keychain. Amazing!

Pie & Pints on 3/21 5-8pm

Although the Bloomfield winter season is now over, I have a few more events scheduled between now and when the summer farmers' market season kicks off in May. The first of those is another installment of Pies & Pints this Tuesday, March 21 at the 3 Rivers Outdoor Center in Regents Square. Come see me there (1130 S Braddock Ave, 15218) between 5 and 8pm. They'll be pouring $5 drafts, the proceeds of which support the Rachel Carson Trail Conservancy, and the fire pit out front will be roaring. I'll have the following flavors:


  • vindaloo curried goat

  • lamb & feta

  • five-spice pork & apple

  • berbere beef

  • mushroom, potato, leek

  • curried chickpea & butternut

  • jerk sweet potato black bean


  • lemon tart

  • chocolate bourbon pecan

The featured flavor of the evening is the vindaloo curried goat. It is made with ground local goat meat from Fallen Aspen Farm, eggplant, red bell peppers, potatoes, & cabbage simmered in vindaloo curry seasoning. I haven't gotten my hands on any goat meat since the summer, so they're rather special!

Tuesday is also their weekly running club day: runners of all abilities set off for a run through Frick Park at 6:00pm, and can have a complementary beer after the run. What better way to enjoy a hot savory pie than to just have run?

See you there!

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